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Harm Reduction Recognizes and Values Humanity

Last week, media headlines read “Biden hands out free crack pipes” in response to funding set aside for harm reduction efforts. Now, one week later, two federal bills have been introduced that would block this funding, and with it, vital work to combat the addiction and overdose crisis. Using “crack…

We’re Only Getting Started

I am here to talk about the struggling individual from both a personal and professional perspective. Which has been shaped by not only working in this field for over 10 years, but also by the 13 years that I have spent as a grateful and empowered woman in recovery. I…

Stories from the Field Part 4

Our Stories Are Our Strength COLLECTIVE JOURNAL:  JULY 17-23, 2021   My son struggles with clinical depression and substance use disorder and has been in ongoing therapy for many years. As a result of the trauma I have experienced while going through this with him, I sought out counseling for…

For The People We’ve Lost

For those grieving loss March 8, 2020; May 19, 2020; July 1, 2020; July 18, 2020; October 11, 2020; October 19, 2020; and most recently July 8, 2021. Those dates may mean nothing to you, but they mean endless confusion, hurt, and grief to their families and friends, including myself.…

Stories from the Field Part 3

Our Stories Are Our Strength COLLECTIVE JOURNAL:  July 12-16, 2021   Reply to "An NC Parent": I just read your story and I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. Thank you for sharing your journey, through your words you have given such an in-depth…

The Clinician Perspective

One Clinician’s Story: Working in the addiction field through COVID-19 “I can’t get to the clinic and see my friends. I miss ‘em. I have to stay here with my boyfriend who’s getting high. It’s not like I can go anywhere. Where am I gonna go? I gotta get out…

Stories from the Field Part 2

Our Stories Are Our Strength COLLECTIVE JOURNAL: JULY 2 – JULY 11, 2021 Ever since the lockdown began I noticed people around me becoming more effected by substances. A lot of people I know just replaced the time they would be doing stuff with drugs. One of my roommates recently…

The Parent Perspective

One Story from a North Carolina Parent  My daughter is my favorite person in the entire world. I love her with every fiber of my being. She weighed just over four pounds when she came into this world prematurely. She was a fighter from the beginning. She came out squawking…

Stories from the Field Part 1

Our Stories Are Our Strength Collective Journal: June 25 - July 2, 2021   Isolation is the enemy of mental wellbeing. We have all endured some level of isolation over the last year, though some more than others and some were more vulnerable or susceptible to the negative consequences than…